Nclex-RN Exam Review 2019 free app helps to prepare for your Nclex-RN and All Nursing related Exams. In this Nclex-RN Review app we are providing chapter wise multiple choice questions makes you pass Nclex-RN Exam.
Nclex-RN Exam Review App provides different types of Nclex-RN Mock Tests and you can instantly check your answers, and this Nclex-RN Quiz App provides rationale for each and every question. Even you can share questions with your friends for help in solving.
Nclex-RN Free App provides
* Nclex-RN Mock Tests
* Nclex-RN Practice Tests
* Nclex-RN Quiz Chapter wise
Nclex-RN Practice Test Quiz Chapters list:
1. Cardiovascular Disorders of the Adult Client
2. Comprehensive Test
3. Endocrine Disorders of the Adult Client
4. Eye and Ear Disorders of the Adult Client
5. Fundamentals of Care
6. Gastrointestinal Disorders of the Adult Client
7. Growth and Development Across the Life Span
8. Hematological and Oncological Disorders of the Adult Client
9. Immune Disorders of the Adult Client
10. Integumentary Disorders of the Adult Client
11. Maternity Nursing
12. Mental Health Disorders of the Adult Client
13. Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Adult Client
14. Neurological Disorders of the Adult Client
15. Nursing Sciences
16. Pediatric Nursing
17. Professional Standards in Nursing
18. Renal and Urinary Disorders of the Adult Client
19. Respiratory Disorders of the Adult Client
Nclex-RN Exam Prep app features:
* Providing chapter wise questions
* Different types of mock tests available
* Strong & Weak Questions
* Favourite Questions
* You can save your favourite questions
* Option to share questions with your friends
* You can use this app even without internet connection
* Option to Check Previous Questions.
* Provides Instant Answer
* Gives Rationale for each question
* Timer will Start by default When you start the Quiz
Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated with or endorsed by any other book publishers.
Kajian Nclex-RN Exam 2019 app percuma membantu untuk menyediakan Ujian berkaitan Nclex-RN dan Semua Kejururawatan anda. Dalam aplikasi Peninjauan Nclex-RN ini kami menyediakan soalan beraneka pilihan bab yang bijak menjadikan anda lulus Peperiksaan Nclex-RN.
App Review Exam Nclex-RN menyediakan pelbagai jenis Nclex-RN Mock Tests dan anda boleh serta-merta memeriksa jawapan anda, dan Nclex-RN Quiz App menyediakan rasional untuk setiap soalan. Malah anda boleh berkongsi soalan dengan rakan anda untuk membantu menyelesaikannya.
App Percuma Nclex-RN menyediakan
* Nclex-RN Mock Tests
* Ujian Amalan Nclex-RN
* Nclex-RN Quiz Chapter wise
Nclex-RN Quiz Test Quiz Practice list:
1. Gangguan Kardiovaskular Pelanggan Dewasa
2. Ujian Komprehensif
3. Gangguan Endokrin Pelanggan Dewasa
4. Gangguan Mata dan Telinga Pelanggan Dewasa
5. Asas Penjagaan
6. Gangguan Gastrointestinal Pelanggan Dewasa
7. Pertumbuhan dan Pembangunan Di Sepanjang Hidup
8. Gangguan Hematologi dan Onkologi Pelanggan Dewasa
9. Gangguan Kekebalan Pelanggan Dewasa
10. Gangguan Integumen terhadap Pelanggan Dewasa
11. Nursing Bersalin
12. Gangguan Kesihatan Mental Pelanggan Dewasa
13. Gangguan Musculoskeletal Pelanggan Dewasa
14. Gangguan Neurologi Pelanggan Dewasa
15. Sains Kejururawatan
16. Nursing Pediatrik
17. Standard Profesional dalam Kejururawatan
18. Gangguan Renal dan Urin Klien Dewasa
19. Gangguan Pernafasan Pelanggan Dewasa
Ciri aplikasi Prep Exam Nclex-RN:
* Menyediakan soalan bijak bab
* Pelbagai jenis ujian mengejek yang tersedia
* Soalan Kuat & Lemah
* Soalan Kegemaran
* Anda boleh menyimpan soalan kegemaran anda
* Pilihan untuk berkongsi soalan dengan rakan anda
* Anda boleh menggunakan aplikasi ini walaupun tanpa sambungan internet
* Pilihan untuk Semak Soalan Terdahulu.
* Menyediakan Jawapan Segera
* Memberikan Rasional untuk setiap soalan
* Pemasa akan Mulakan secara lalai Apabila anda memulakan Kuiz
Penafian: Aplikasi ini tidak bergabung dengan atau disokong oleh mana-mana penerbit buku lain.